latin jewish belonging for families

Olamim means “worlds” in Hebrew
Children touch multiple worlds–the world beneath their feet, the world of family, and of the many cultures that surround and support them.
Olamim exists so children and their families can be part of many worlds together, so that we can build a World in which all worlds belong. . .
Un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos.
-Zapatista Principle
Our Work
Olamim’s family engagement program for Latin Jewish families blends nature connection, cultural expression, and community-building.
Join us on a community farm or park for our fabulous family programs in Spanish. We build community, and offer a hands-on way to support language and culture with the whole family.
There is so much to celebrate about who we are! We invite the larger Latinx Jewish and multicultural Jewish community for holiday programs, community events, and intergenerational retreats.
Looking for a group of families to call your extended family? Join or create a Chavurah with our support and extended programs and resources.
Join our core community for a Shabbaton weekend in a beautiful Bay Area location.
Learn more about our study on Latinx Jewish families, and support local initiatives in the Jewish and Latinx communities
our vision
We view access to heritage language and culture as a right for all communities.
We see our belonging to multiple cultural communities as a strength, as well as an obligation to solidarity.

“It was such an exciting space to be in… where these worlds merged outside of our home with other children and families who have similar experiences.”
— Vivian Santana Pacheco